In the northwest corner of Escondido is a premier senior community called Via Verde Estates (VVE). Our location lends itself to easy freeway access, shopping close by and the great climate that is southern California. But our greatest asset is a great group of senior citizens that enjoy life and fun activities. We encourage you to discover the life that is Via Verde Estates (The Green Road).
Via Verde Estates includes 109 homes (a mixture of stick-build and manufactured) , private streets and community property. Each person owns their own home and property. Our streets are safe, and our activities are inclusive.
Our Home Owners Association is watched over by a board that encourages each home owner to enjoy the activities and amenities of the community. All members of our HOA are volunteers and live within neighborhood.
Our clubhouse, pool, spa, exercise room, library and game room are provided to help keep us young and alive.
We are proud of our neighborhood and our homes. We hope that the information provided here will prove to be a valuable resource for our community members and others.
Please let us know if you have any suggestions that will help make this sight more useful. Thank you for visiting our site.